Parish Resources

The diocese and the central church support the administration and ministry of parish life with an array of resources.

Supporting our parishes

The main Church of Ireland website has downloadable resources covering the following areas: Select Vestries, Parish Finances, Land and Buildings and People and Community.

Topics include:

Visit Parish Resources on the Church of Ireland website here.

HR Advice

The diocese has an agreement with Mark Mason Employment Law to provide parishes with access to employment law and HR advice.

Parishes can login to the HR section on this website and download helpful templates of commonly used HR documents such as:

  • Statement of main terms of employment

  • Handbook of HR Policies

  • Job descriptions

  • Application forms

The documents will be updated as needed and are strictly available only to parishes within Down and Dromore.

As well as being able to access helpful templates, parishes who want to seek advice on a recruitment procedure or a matter relating to the employment of an employee, will be able to access up to one hour of advice on any particular issue up to a maximum of two issues per year for any one parish.

Down and Dromore Graveyard Regulations

For the benefit of Select Vestries, the Diocesan Council has produced a guide to the Regulations and Charges for Burial Grounds and Gardens of Remembrance.

These general diocesan guidelines will be reviewed triennially by the Diocesan Council.

Download the latest document here.

Diocesan Regulations

The Diocesan Regulations were amended at Diocesan Synod in June 2024. They are a supplement to The Constitution which is the Church of Ireland's governing document. Read more about The Constitution at this link.

Download the latest Diocesan Regulations here (PDF)