• 18 May 2024

GROW by keeping the Bible front and centre

Why should we keep the Bible front and centre? That’s the question the Revd John Dickinson addressed in St Saviour’s Dollingstown on the seventh evening of our GROW teaching series.

To help us understand the crucial role of the Bible in our lives – individually and corporately – John turned to Psalm 119:105–113. Specifically verse 105 with its two powerful metaphors that teach two powerful lessons.

Your word is a lamp for my feet,     
a light on my path.

“The scriptures are for people on a journey,” said John. “What do we travellers need? We need help to find our way. We need an interactive guide. They are the only way we’re going to be able to figure out what we’re supposed to do and where we’re supposed to go.”

The scriptures are also for people in the dark. John reminded us that although faith may be simple, the path we’re taking is dark and difficult. The Word comes as a powerful beam to help us see things as they really are.

Realising that the scriptures are exactly what we need to walk and to see, John encouraged us to recommit to personal Bible reading and study – to “sit down with the scriptures and be surprised and awakened.”

On Sunday evening 19 May, Pentecost Sunday, we’ll have the last talk in our GROW teaching series when Pastor David Legge speaks on ‘Ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit’. Join us at 7.30 pm in St Saviour’s, Dollingstown (refreshments available from 7.00pm).