• 29 April 2024

Young Adult Forum first

In a first for the diocese, we recently hosted two Young Adult Forums. These were opportunities for the 18–30s to share honestly about their experience of church, and how it may or may not be effectively communicating the Gospel in today’s ever–changing culture.

FORGE Coordinator, Janine Armstrong, hosted the evenings on Monday 22 April in Banbridge and Tuesday 23 April in Sydenham.

“As I have worked with and alongside our brilliant young adults, I have sensed a desire to be heard”, she said. “We discussed some of the big issues facing them today and explored how the Church might begin to address these issues in ways that are Christ–honouring, and which make sense culturally and contextually.

“Some themes emerged as we talked, and I will be pulling my notes and survey results together to create an overview which I hope will be helpful to church leaders.

“We as a diocese, love, and value the young adults God has blessed us with. We want to learn from their experience, hear their heart, and then equip and empower them to serve and lead in bringing the Kingdom to the current and emerging generations.”